Monday, 5 December 2016

December 2016 Sermons

December 25th PM - The gradual revelation of God's plan of salvation Matthew 1:17
December 25th AM - The eternal Son of God became a man to save lost mankind Isaiah 9:6
December 18th PM - Jesus - God's Great Gift to us 2 Corinthians 8:9
December 18th AM - The nature of true, heartfelt worship Matthew 2:1-12
December 11th PM - True Christian Living Colossians 1:10
December 11th AM - Gifts suitable for our Saviour, God and King Matthew 2:1-12
December 4th PM - Living a life worthy of the Lord Colossians 1:10
December 4th AM - God's Word leads us to the Saviour Matthew 2:1-12

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 7 November 2016

November 2016 Sermons

27th November PM - Responding to trouble 2 Kings 5:1-3 (Mark Pickett)
27th November AM - Life and death - physical and spiritual John 11:1-44 (Mark Pickett)
20th November PM - True knowledge of God Colossians 1:9
20th November AM - The life of Peter - still loving his Lord John 21:15-19
13th November PM - Sharing and prompting prayer Colossians 1:9
13th November AM - The life of Peter - failing his Lord Matthew 26:69-75
6th November PM - The relationship and responsibilities of the faithful Minister and the congregation Colossians 1:7,8
6th November AM - The life of Peter - relying on his own strength Matthew 26:31-35

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 3 October 2016

October 2016 Sermons

30th October PM - Blessings from observing God's work in others Colossians 1:6 (missing end)
30th October AM - The life of Peter - learning humility John 13:1-7
23rd October PM - By grace, hope produces faith and love Colossians 1:5
23rd October AM - The life of Peter - experiencing Christ's glory Matthew 17 1-3
16th October PM - The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 8:9
16th October AM - Jesus - the Bread of Life John 6:25-59
9th October PM - The joy of loving God Psalm 16 (Henry Martyn de Oliveira)
9th October AM - The life of Peter - being connected by the Lord Matthew 16:21-28
2nd October PM - Practical Christian Love Colossians 1:4
2nd October AM - The life of Peter - Co-labouring with Christ Matthew 16:18

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

September 2016 Sermons

September 25th PM - Christian Greetings! Colossians 1:1,2
September 25th AM - The life of Peter - declaring who Jesus really is Matthew 16:13-20
September 18th PM - Background to Colossians: Christ will build His Church Colossians 1
September 18th AM - The life of Peter - realising he's sinful Luke 5:1-11
September 11th PM - It's better to trust in the Lord than man Psalm 118:8 (Chris Hess)
September 11th AM - The life of Peter - Meeting Jesus John 1:29-42
September 4th PM - Showing God's kindness to others 2 Samuel 9 (Peter Milsom)
September 4th AM - Jesus' help in the storms of life Matthew 14:22-36 (Peter Milsom) Note: The microphone was not correctly connected for this recording, you will need to turn up the volume of your speakers.

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 8 August 2016

August 2016 Sermons

August 28th PM - The folly and consequence of ignoring God Daniel 5:23
August 28th AM - The judgement seat of Christ 2 Corinthians 5:10
August 21st PM - Telling others about Jesus, our Saviour John 4:29 (Colin Jones)
August 21st AM - Prayer in faith is the remedy for worry Philippians 4:6,7 (Colin Jones)
August 14th PM - Temporary suffering compared to eternal glory (part 2) Romans 8:18
August 14th AM - Temporary suffering compared to eternal glory (part 1) Romans 8:18
August 7th PM - No Recording
August 7th AM - The Good News of Jesus Christ Mark 1:1-11 (Rob Ellis)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.

      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 4 July 2016

July 2016 Sermons

July 31st PM - The worthiness of the Father and the Son to receive our praises Revelation 4 & 5 (Pete Roberts)
July 31st AM - Escaping the judgement of our holy and just God Numbers 16 (Pete Roberts)
July 24th PM - The Fall and Rise of Man Genesis 2 & 3 (Alan Cartwright)
July 24th AM - Heavenly praises, before and after our redemption Revelation 4 & 5 (Alan Cartwright)
July 17th PM - God is ... changeless Malachi 3:6
July 17th AM - God's grace at work in our hearts Philippians 4:23
July 10th PM - God is ... faithful Psalm 36
July 10th AM - All Christians are saints - saved sinners Philippians 4:22,23
July 3rd PM - Differing attitudes to Christ, and their consequences Luke 23:43 (Terry Williams)
July 3rd AM - The scope and purpose of Jesus' suffering Matthew 26:36-56 (Terry Williams)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.

      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 6 June 2016

June 2016 Sermons

June 26th PM - God is ... everywhere Acts 17:22-31
June 26th AM - Sorry no recording
June 19th PM - God is ... all-knowing Psalm 139
June 19th AM - The true Christian's heartfelt praise Philippians 4:20
June 12th PM - Staying the course Malachi 3:6-18 (Mark Pickett)
June 12th AM - The importance of the heart Luke 12:13-34 (Mark Pickett)
June 5th PM - How Christians are to be different 1Timothy 6:11,12 (Jim Grindell)
June 5th AM - God can use obedient "No bodies" Judges 6 (Jim Grindell)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.

      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 2 May 2016

May 2016 Sermons

May 29th PM - Creation points to the glory of God Psalm 19 (Tom Holland)
May 29th AM - The joy of sins forgiven Psalm 32 (Tom Holland)
May 22nd PM - God is ... all powerful Isaiah 40:25-31
May 22nd AM - God will provide for all our needs Philippians 4:19
May 15th PM - God is ... Sovereign Isaiah 45
May 15th AM - Learning to be content Philippians 4:10-13
May 8th PM - Responding to God's grace and mercy - Part 2 Jonah 2 (Andrew Love)
May 8th AM - Responding to God's grace and mercy - Part 1 Jonah 1 (Andrew Love)
May 1st PM - God is ... righteous and just Psalm 99
May 1st AM - Knowing God and His actions leads to true contentment Philippians 4:11

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.

      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 4 April 2016

April 2016 Sermons

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.

      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 7 March 2016

March 2016 Sermons

        All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.

      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

    Monday, 8 February 2016

    February 2016 Sermons

        All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.

      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

    Thursday, 7 January 2016

    January 2016 Sermons

    Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.

    There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.