Monday, 2 January 2017

January 2017 Sermons

January 29th PM - The Good News - forgiveness of our sins through Christ Colossians 1:14
January 29th AM - Joshua - A man of faith Hebrews 11:16
January 22nd PM - Joyful thanksgiving for all that God has done for us Colossians 1:12
January 22nd AM - The power of prevailing prayer Exodus 17:8-16
January 15th PM - The priority of the spiritual over the material Hebrews 12:16,17 (Richard Roberts)
January 15th AM - Following Jesus with Humble Obedience Luke 5:1-11 (Tim Song)
January 8th PM - Patiently enduring difficulties in the Christian life Colossians 1:11
January 8th AM - Jesus is our one and only Saviour Acts 4:12
January 1st PM - Our wholehearted service of God Joshua 24:15
January 1st AM - The meaning of Life Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
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