Monday, 2 April 2018

April 2018 Sermons

April 29th PM - The Joy, privilege and rewards of Christian service Matthew 20:1-16
April 29th AM - Using your time wisely Colossians 4:5
April 22nd PM - Persevering in Prayer Matthew 15:21-28
April 22nd AM - In Christ and outside of Christ Colossians 4:5
April 15th PM - Being ready for Christ's return Matthew 25:1-13
April 15th AM - Spiritual Wisdom Colossians 4:5
April 8th PM - No recording as Minister was unable to attend
April 8th AM - Trusting God during the difficult times Genesis Chapters 37 & 39-41 Peter Milsom
April 1st PM - The Meaning of Easter Mark 15&16
April 1st AM - The Importance of the Death and Resurrection of Christ 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
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      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.