Monday, 4 December 2017

December 2017 Sermons

December 31st PM - Certain hope for the spiritually lost Luke 19:1-10 (Neville Williams)
December 31st AM - New challenges and New blessings for the New year Joshua 1:1-9 (Neville Williams)
December 24th PM - The What, Why, and How of Christmas Luke 2:1-20
December 24th AM - Immanuel, God with us Matthew 1:23
December 17th PM - Encountering the Saviour Luke 2:8-20
December 17th AM - Christ's amazing grace! 2 Corinthians 8:9
December 10th PM - Joyfully using our talents in God's service Luke 19:11-27
December 10th AM - Grateful living in light of God's wonderful love Colossians 3:15-17
December 3rd PM - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector Luke 18:9-14
December 3rd AM - Thankful praise to God Colossians 3:16

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 6 November 2017

November 2017 Sermons

November 26th PM - The rich man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31
November 26th AM - Christ's peace in our hearts, minds and lives Colossians 3:15
November 19th PM - True and false repentance Part 2 Luke 15:11-31
November 19th AM - The supremacy of love Colossians 3:14
November 12th PM - True and false repentance 2 Corinthians 7:10
November 12th AM - Dealing with others as God deals with us Colossians 3:13
November 5th PM - No recording
November 5th AM - God's power, presence and protection Psalm 46 (Jonathan Stephen)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 2 October 2017

October 2017 Sermons

October 29th PM - Jesus Christ, Judge and Saviour Romans 8:33,34 (Vincent Tracey)
October 29th AM - Expectant Prayer Luke 11:9-13 (Vincent Tracey)
October 22nd PM - Claiming the promises of God Psalm 105
October 22nd AM - Christians should be Christ-like Colossians 3:12
October 15th PM - God's amazing love for us Psalm 136
October 15th AM - Reasons why we should praise the Lord! Psalm 135
October 8th PM - Delighting in God's Son, Salvation, people and in prayer Isaiah 62:1 (Phil Williams)
October 8th AM - Sorry no recording
October 1st PM - Noah's Ark - a picture of our salvation in Christ Genesis 6 to 8.
October 1st AM - We are God's holy, beloved, chosen people Colossians 3:12

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 4 September 2017

September 2017 Sermons

24th September PM - A place in Heaven prepared for you John 14:1-6
24th September AM - Faithful to the end 2 Kings 2:1-14
17th September PM - Stir up the gift that is within you! Romans 12:4-8 (Andrew Love)
17th September AM - Humbling ourselves before Almighty God 2 Kings 1
10th September PM - God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked Ezekiel 33:11
10th September AM - The perils of spiritual weakness and compromise 1 Kings 20 to 22
3rd September PM - Who comes first in your life? Luke 18:18-30
3rd September AM - God's kind dealings with His weak people 1 Kings 19:1-18

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 7 August 2017

August 2017 Sermons

August 27th PM - Man's sinfulness, and God's remedy Daniel 5
August 27th AM - Reacting to success and failure in the Christian life 1 Kings 19
August 20th PM - Evidences of true faith John 4 (Darrin Gilchrist)
August 20th AM - True and false Christian teachers Jude vv 12,13 (Darrin Gilchrist)
August 13th PM - Living the life of faith Genesis 12 (John Lewis)
August 13th AM - Humbly listening for God's voice 1 Samuel 3 (John Lewis)
August 6th PM - Man plans, but God over-rules Esther 3-7 (Alan Cartwright)
August 6th AM - The Lord Jesus can calm the storms of nature and of life Mark 4:35-41 (Rob Ellis)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 31 July 2017

July 2017 Sermons

30th July PM - God's purposes in our sufferings Hebrews 12 (Dr. Tom Holland)
30th July AM - The nature of true faith Hebrews 11:1-19 (Dr. Tom Holland)
23rd July PM - The consequences of spiritual pride and spiritual humility Luke 18:9-14 (Richard Roberts)
23rd July AM - No one is beyond the saving grace of God in Christ Jesus 2 Chronicles 33:1-17 (Tom Greene)
16th July PM - Putting to death the selfish attitudes and actions of our former lives Colossians 3:5-11 (Partial recording)
16th July AM - The Power of faithful persistent prayer 1 Kings 18:43-46
9th July PM - Set your minds and hearts on eternal matters Colossians 3:1-4 (Lower quality audio, please increase your volume accordingly.)
9th July AM - The Lord is God, follow Him! 1 Kings 18:16-39
2nd July PM - Salvation comes via a new heart, not outward actions Colossians 2:16-23
2nd July AM - Faithfully serving the Lord in a godless society 1 Kings 18:1-16

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 5 June 2017

June 2017 Sermons

June 25th PM - Salvation through Christ alone Colossians 2:8
June 25th AM - Relying on God's daily grace for each day's needs 1 Kings 17:17-24
June 18th PM - Rooted and growing in Christ Colossians 2:6,7
June 18th AM - Trusting God in difficult circumstances 1 Kings 17:7-16
June 11th PM - The reason for Paul's labouring in Christian service Colossians 2:1-3
June 11th AM - Trusting God for all life's needs 1 Kings 17:7-16
June 4th PM - Christians awake! Isaiah 52:1 (Henry Martyn de Oliveira)
June 4th AM - The privilege and necessity of prayer Luke 6:12-16 (Tim Song)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 8 May 2017

May 2017 Sermons

May 28th PM - God forgives all sorrowful sinners Luke 7:36-50
May 28th AM - God can overrule our apparent set-backs Genesis 50
May 21st PM - God's election promises 2 Peter 3
May 21st AM - Knowing God's guidance, protection and provision 1 Kings 17:2-6
May 14th PM - Called to proclaim the mystery of Christ Colossians 1:25
May 14th AM - Effective prayer James 5:16-18
May 7th PM - Service and Love in the Church Colossians 1:24
May 7th AM - We serve the Living God 1 Kings 17:1

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 3 April 2017

April 2017 Sermons

April 30th PM - Wholeheartedly following the Lord in the security of the Gospel Colossians 1:23
April 30th AM - The dangers of spiritual decline 1 Kings 16
April 23rd PM - God's work in us - past, future and present Romans 8:11 (Andrew Hadley)
April 23rd AM - Key elements in successful church growth Acts 19:1-20 (Mark Pickett)
April 16th PM - Jesus the perfect and final sacrifice Matthew 28:1-10
April 16th AM - The mystery of the Godhead Matthew 26&27
April 9th PM - Atonement for sins, then and now Leviticus 16
April 9th AM - Jesus Christ, our personal sin-bearer Isaiah 53:6
April 2nd PM - Reconciled to God through Christ's death Colossians 1:21,22
April 2nd AM - Disobedience prevents God's Blessing Joshua 7

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 6 March 2017

March 2017 Sermons

March 26th PM - Christ is God's only Son and our only Saviour Colossians 1:19,20
March 26th AM - Overcoming life's difficulties by God's grace Joshua 5:13-6:21
March 19th PM - Resurrection - past and future Colossians 1:18
March 19th AM - Knowing God's presence, power and provision Joshua 3&4
March 12th PM - Christ is the Head of the Church Colossians 1:18
March 12th AM - Humbly following godly leadership Joshua 3
March 5th PM - The eternal Christ created all things Colossians 1:16,17
March 5th AM - Real faith produces faithful service Joshua 2

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 6 February 2017

February 2017 Sermons

February 26th PM - Spiritual contentment Philippians 4:10-13 (Mark Pickett)
February 26th AM - Sight given to the spiritually blind John 9 (Mark Pickett)
February 19th PM - Living a new life in Christ Colossians 3:1-11 (Alan Cartwright)
February 19th AM - The transforming power of knowing Jesus John 14:9 (Henry Martyn de Oliveira)
February 12th PM - The Supremacy of Christ Colossians 1:15
February 12th AM - The Bible in the life of the Christian Joshua 1
February 5th PM - Christ, God manifest in human form Colossians 1:15
February 5th AM - Wholeheartedly following the Lord Deuteronomy 1:19-46

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 2 January 2017

January 2017 Sermons

January 29th PM - The Good News - forgiveness of our sins through Christ Colossians 1:14
January 29th AM - Joshua - A man of faith Hebrews 11:16
January 22nd PM - Joyful thanksgiving for all that God has done for us Colossians 1:12
January 22nd AM - The power of prevailing prayer Exodus 17:8-16
January 15th PM - The priority of the spiritual over the material Hebrews 12:16,17 (Richard Roberts)
January 15th AM - Following Jesus with Humble Obedience Luke 5:1-11 (Tim Song)
January 8th PM - Patiently enduring difficulties in the Christian life Colossians 1:11
January 8th AM - Jesus is our one and only Saviour Acts 4:12
January 1st PM - Our wholehearted service of God Joshua 24:15
January 1st AM - The meaning of Life Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.