Monday, 3 December 2018

December 2018 Sermons

December 30th PM - Wise men seek Jesus - then and now Matthew 2 (Jim Grindell)
December 30th AM - Our faithful God supplies the unexpected Luke 1 (Jim Grindell)
December 23rd PM - Christmas encounters with Jesus - Wise men and foolish Herod Matthew 2:1-12
December 23rd AM - God's great and gracious benefits to His people Psalm 103 (Neville Williams)
December 16th PM - Christmas encounters with Jesus - The Angels Hebrews 1:1-2:3
December 16th AM - Christmas encounters with Jesus - Simeon & Anna Luke 2:22-40
December 9th PM - Christmas encounters with Jesus - The Shepherds Luke 2:8-20
December 9th AM - Christmas encounters with Jesus - Joseph Matthew 1:18-25 & 2:13-23
December 2nd PM - Christmas encounters with Jesus - John the Baptist Luke 1:39-45
December 2nd AM - Christmas encounters with Jesus - Mary Luke 1:26-38

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 5 November 2018

November 2018 Sermons

November 25th PM - The triumph of the Cross - Unfailing Love 1 John 4
November 25th AM - Turned to God, to serve and wait 1 Thessalonians 1:9,10
November 18th PM - Sorry no recording
November 18th AM - The almighty sovereign Lord is worthy of our praise Revelation 4 (Jonathan Stephen)
November 11th PM - The triumph of the Cross - The sacrifice of a friend John 15:13
November 11th AM - Imitators and Examples 1 Thessalonians 1:6,7
November 4th PM - The triumph of the Cross - Atonement Achieved Hebrews 2:17
November 4th AM - Spiritual Power in the life of individuals Thessalonians 1:5

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 8 October 2018

October 2018 Sermons

October 28th PM - God's gift of righteousness through faith Romans 3:21 (Vincent Tracey)
October 28th AM - Living a joyful grumble-free life Philippians 2:14 (Vincent Tracey)
October 21st PM - Mock God at your peril! Galatians 6:7
October 21st AM - Perseverance will produce a spiritual harvest Galatians 6:9
October 14th PM - The triumph of the cross - THE demonstration of love Romans 5:6-8
October 14th AM - Loved by God - and showing it! 1 Thessalonians 1:4
October 7th PM - The triumph of the cross - the devil destroyed Revelation 20
October 7th AM - Serving the Lord with faith, love & hope 1 Thessalonians 1:3

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 3 September 2018

September 2018 Sermons

September 30th PM - The Triumph of the Cross - Death Defeated Hebrews 2:14:15
September 30th AM - With love, from me to you! 1 Thessalonians 1:1
September 23rd PM - The triumphant cross - it was planned ?! Ephesians 1:3-14
September 23rd AM - The birth of a local church Acts 17:1-15
September 16th PM - What is our response to the Gospel? 1 Corinthians 1:10-31
September 16th AM - What kind of legacy do you want to leave? 1 Corinthians 10:6-13
September 9th PM Waiting for the Lord Psalm 130 (John Lewis)
September 9th AM God's loving sovereignty and our secular society Esther 1&2 (John Lewis)
September 2nd PM What is your spiritual temperature? Revelation 3:15,16 (Chris Hess)
September 2nd AM "In me you may have peace" John 16:33 (Chris Hess)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 6 August 2018

August 2018 Sermons

August 26th PM - Our gracious God and His wonderful city Psalm 46 (Mark Pickett)
August 26th AM - God's Truth - secret and revealed Deuteronomy 29:29 (Mark Pickett)
August 19th PM - The certainty of God's judgement, and His salvation in Christ. Hebrews 2:2-4 (Darrin Gilchrist)
August 19th AM - Responding positively to the uniqueness of Christ Hebrews 2:1 (Darrin Gilchrist)
August 12th PM - Striving for the Lord and His kingdom 1 Timothy 4:10 (Darrin Gilchrist)
August 12th AM - Applying God's word to our hearts and lives Hebrews 2:1-4 (Darrin Gilchrist)
August 5th PM - God's Loving Kindness 2 Samuel 9 (Wyn Hughes)
August 5th AM - From Death to Life Luke 7:11-17 (Wyn Hughes)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 2 July 2018

July 2018 Sermons

July 29th PM - Jesus Christ our kinsman-redeemer Ruth 4:1-13
July 29th AM - Godly obedience leads to heaven's blessing Ruth 4:11-22
July 22nd PM - The character and desires of God Ruth 3
July 22nd AM - Trusting God with every aspect of our lives Ruth 3
July 15th PM - Showing godly kindness to those in need Ruth 2
July 15th AM - Our Rest, Refuge, Responsibility and Reward Ruth 2
July 8th PM - Are you a Ruth or an Orpah? Ruth 1:16,17
July 8th AM - Back-slider, return to your pardoning God! Ruth 1:6
July 1st PM - God's sovereignty and man's responsibility Romans 9:14-26
July 1st AM - Having a positive impact on other Christians Colossians 4:17

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 4 June 2018

June 2018 Sermons

June 24th PM - God's remedy for our sin John 3:14,15
June 24th AM - The nature and benefits of the local church Colossians 4:15,16
June 17th PM - The cost and reward of being a TRUE Christian Luke 9:57-62
June 17th AM - Faithfully following for a fine finish Colossians 4:14
June 10th PM - Devotion to Christ is the most important thing Luke 10:38-42
June 10th AM - Pastoral care in the local church Colossians 4:12,13
June 3rd PM - God blesses undeserving people who repent Haggai 2:10-23 (Alan Cartwright)
June 3rd AM - The unique Son-ship of Christ Hebrews 1:4-14 (Darrin Gilchrist)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 7 May 2018

May 2018 Sermons

May 27th PM - He who believes in Christ has eternal life John 6:41-71
May 27th AM - Working together in God's service Colossians 4:10,11
May 20th PM - Eternal life from the Bread of Life John 6:22-40
May 20th AM - Faithfully serving the Lord Colossians 4:7-9
May 13th PM - Seeking God when times get tough Psalm 27 (Mark Pickett)
May 13th AM - Life-changing encounters with Jesus Mark 5:15 (Mark Pickett)
May 6th PM - Fruitfulness, the acid-test of true faith Luke 13:6-9
May 6th AM - Speaking wisely and graciously to God's glory Colossians 4:6

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 2 April 2018

April 2018 Sermons

April 29th PM - The Joy, privilege and rewards of Christian service Matthew 20:1-16
April 29th AM - Using your time wisely Colossians 4:5
April 22nd PM - Persevering in Prayer Matthew 15:21-28
April 22nd AM - In Christ and outside of Christ Colossians 4:5
April 15th PM - Being ready for Christ's return Matthew 25:1-13
April 15th AM - Spiritual Wisdom Colossians 4:5
April 8th PM - No recording as Minister was unable to attend
April 8th AM - Trusting God during the difficult times Genesis Chapters 37 & 39-41 Peter Milsom
April 1st PM - The Meaning of Easter Mark 15&16
April 1st AM - The Importance of the Death and Resurrection of Christ 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 5 March 2018

March 2018 Sermons

March 25th PM - Responding to King Jesus Luke 19:28-44
March 25th AM - Praying for Christian ministry Colossians 4:3,4
March 18th - No recordings due to snow
March 11th PM - "Call on me in the day of trouble" Mark 5:21-34
March 11th AM - The primacy of prayer Colossians 4:2
March 4th PM - Who's your master? God or the devil? Luke 8:26-39
March 4th AM - Dealing with others as God deals with us Colossians 4:1

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Monday, 5 February 2018

February 2018 Sermons

February 25th PM - Jesus Christ, the Son of God Hebrews 1:5 (Darrin Gilchrist)
February 25th AM - Jesus Christ, divine not angelic Hebrews 1:4-14 (Darrin Gilchrist)
February 18th PM - The parable of the wheat and the weeds Matthew 13:24-43
February 18th AM - Christian approach to employment Colossians 3:18-25
February 11th PM - The Parable of the Sower Part 2: Good Soil Luke 8:1-5
February 11th AM - Christian Family Matters Part 4: Parenthood Colossians 3:21
February 4th PM - The Parable of the Sower Part 1: Poor Soil Matthew 13:1-23
February 4th AM - Christian Family Matters Part 3: Honouring our Parents Colossians 3:20

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

January 2018 Sermons

January 28th PM - The parable of the wedding banquet Matthew 22:1-14
January 28th AM - Christian Family Matters Part 2: Husbands Colossians 3:19
January 21st PM - Responding to the cross of Christ 1 Corinthians 1:18
January 21st AM - Christian Family Matters Part 1: Wives Colossians 3:18
January 14th PM - The uniqueness of Christ Hebrews 1:2-4 (Darrin Gilchrist)
January 14th AM - Jesus Christ, God's special and final revelation Hebrews 1:1-4 (Darrin Gilchrist)
January 7th PM - The supremacy of Christ Hebrews 1 (Darrin Gilchrist) (Near complete recording)
January 7th AM - Seeking and knowing God's glory 2 Corinthians 3:18 (Darrin Gilchrist)

    All Sermons by Pastor Jonathan Wilson unless stated otherwise.
      Links above lead to an external cloud hosting site. Once you have followed the link you need to click the triangle play button. Dependant on your connection speed the audio may take several seconds to begin and/or stagger a little to start with but should soon begin to flow. If audio doesn't play for any reason, close the window, return to this page and click the link again.
      There is also the option to download rather than stream the Sermon if you would prefer to do that.